Seasons Greetings and 2021 Announcement
Hello friends! We know that this has been a very challenging year for many, so the staff and Board of Directors of Anthrocon wish to take this opportunity to wish everyone a warm, safe, and happy holiday season. We’d also like to take this opportunity to announce our plans for July of 2021. At this time, we are proceeding, albeit cautiously, with plans to hold our 2021 convention in Pittsburgh.
An update regarding 2021 registration
We hope that all our furry friends are doing well and staying safe during these trying times. As we look towards 2021, due to the continued uncertainty surrounding COVID and our concerns for the safety of our attendees in a large gathering, we find it necessary to delay our typical October opening of online registration. Hotel reservation dates will also be moved to a date later than usual. We will be evaluating our options through November and into December and will continue to post updates here to let everyone know when registration will open.
An important and sad announcement
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, for which there is no timely end in sight, we have been forced to make the sad decision to cancel Anthrocon 2020. We had hoped to avoid it, but it has become clear that we will not be able to provide a convention experience that is both safe and enjoyable for our attendees. We are offering several choices to our attendees who have already paid for memberships. Kindly click the button below this to let us know what you prefer.
Black Lives Matter
Friends, We are shocked and appalled by the murder of George Floyd and the many other acts of racial injustice that are occurring across the nation. Right now, we believe the need for action is more important than just words. We stand with the Black community. We know that Black Lives Matter, and we want you to know that we hear you; we see you; we stand with you, and we support you.
An update from Anthrocon
Hello everyone! We know that a lot of folks are wanting information and updates regarding this year’s convention and the current situation. We’d like to give you a quick update. Anthrocon has been in almost daily contact with VisitPittsburgh, the David Lawrence Convention Center, and/or our partner hotels. At this time, all of our contracts are still in place, and plans for this year’s convention are still progressing. That being said, there is an important development.
Addendum to Anthrocon 2020 Refund Policy
Due to the recent and ongoing issues caused by COVID-19, we are supplying an addendum to the Refund Policy for Anthrocon 2020. Deferrals from 2019: As stated in the refund policy a deferral was only good for the following year and could not be refunded or carried over to future years. For this year we will be waiving this limitation. If you have registered for 2020 using a deferral from 2019 and are unable to attend we will allow the deferral to transfer to Anthrocon 2021. This will be a one-time waiver of this policy and if the deferral is not used in 2021 it will be forfeit. At this point, there are no plans to cancel Anthrocon 2020 and preparations for the convention are moving forward as normal. However, we are implementing the following options in regards to membership cancellations effective immediately:
Anthrocon Charity Bucket Brigade Sign-Ups Now Open!
Fursuiters who would like to participate directly in the fundraising for Wildlife Works Inc. at Anthrocon may now register for 1-hour Bucket Brigade time slots. To receive the sign-up link, contact [email protected] with (1) your contact information and (2) the attendee/fursuit badge name you will be wearing when you participate. Registration is open to those with presentable full fursuits and complete costumes (partial + outfit), with exceptions for special cases. Participation involves accompaniment by a charity representative. Forty-eight time slots available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Full rules available on the registration form.
COVID-19 Information
Dear Anthrocon Community, As you are well aware, the COVID-19 virus continues to make headlines as new cases, both confirmed and presumptive, are being reported worldwide. The staff of Anthrocon place the health and safety of our attendees above all other factors, and have sought guidance from a variety of informed sources, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, Duke University Medical Center, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Allegheny County Health Department. VisitPittsburgh has been in frequent contact with the latter two agencies for updates.
Anthrocon to host citywide Children’s Art Show and Competition in 2020
PITTSBURGH – Anthrocon, Pittsburgh’s furry convention, will be offering something new for its 2020 convention. Anthrocon has developed a wonderful, synergistic relationship with the city of Pittsburgh, and wishes to give back a bit more, this time to the children of the city. Therefore, Anthrocon is pleased to announce a new children’s art competition with 2 divisions and special prizes for the top pieces of art in each division. The division for its younger entrants will have a top prize of a $100 Amazon gift card. The division for its entrants up to seniors in high school will have a top prize available of a $1,000 grant, which can be used at the entrant’s discretion for tuition or educational supplies.
Announcing Our 2020 Charity: Wildlife Works, Inc.
Anthrocon is pleased to announce that Wildlife Works Inc. will be our beneficiary for 2020’s charity efforts. The following is a summary from Wildlife Works Inc. that summarizes their mission and efforts: Wildlife Works Inc. is a volunteer-based non-profit organization serving Westmoreland and surrounding counties, dedicated to the rehabilitation and release of distressed native wildlife and the promotion of responsible attitudes about the preservation of native species, habitat and the environment.