Anthrocon 2022: New Year, New Updates

2021 has officially come and gone, and we’re now into a new year - one that still has many familiar challenges, but an earnest hope that we’ll finally return to our beloved in-person gatherings. There’s quite a bit happening as we start looking to the new year and a potential in-person convention, and we want to share important updates regarding Registration, our COVID-19 Policy, Hotel Openings, and more.


Pre-registration has now opened for Anthrocon 2022, and you can head over to our Registration page for more information and links to purchase your pre-registered badge. Not only will it save you time at the convention when picking up your badge, but you’ll pay a cheaper price compared to at-the-door - and if you’re generous enough to register at the Supersponsor level, you’ll have early access to our hotel reservations at the end of the month.

COVID-19 Policy

Our COVID-19 policy has been published (under our Registration category) and will be updated as we continue forward towards July 2022. As navigating a COVID-affected world has been complex and unpredictable, we ask of everyone’s understanding and patience as we work with both government and health experts to host a safe and responsible event for everyone. Questions and concerns about our COVID-19 policy can be directed to [email protected].

Hotel & Westin Suite Bookings

Our hotel bookings for Anthrocon 2022 will open starting on January 31st for Ultrasponsors and Supersponsors, followed by general hotel bookings on February 2nd. Find out more information about available partnered hotels on our Hotels page.

In addition, those looking to book a suite at the Westin Pittsburgh Hotel will be able to request a suite through our Suites page - however, requests fill up quickly and suites are very limited, so don’t wait!

Programming Submissions

Panels submissions are now open for 2022 - even if you submitted a panel in 2020, we require all panelists to re-submit their desired events to ensure accuracy and up-to-date information. Learn more about our events and submitting a panel on our Programming page.

As we work towards the summer, we will continue to provide as many updates as possible on our website and social media. Make sure you follow us on our Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates.