Driving and Loading Instructions for Dealers

Address for the Loading Dock:

David L. Lawrence Convention Center Loading Dock (View on Google)
1000 Ft. Duquesne Blvd. (10th & Ft. Duquesne)
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

From Pittsburgh International Airport
PA -60 S to US-30 E becomes I-279 N through the Ft. Pitt Tunnels and across the Ft. Pitt Bridge. Take Exit 6C Ft. Duquesne Blvd. Follow sign to Convention/Strip District on 10th Street Bypass. At 1st traffic light, turn right into the Convention Center Loading Dock Entrance.

From East/PA Turnpike
I-76 W (PA Turnpike) to Exit 57 Pittsburgh. Take I-376 W to Exit 2B Blvd. of the Allies. Take I-579 N to Seventh Ave/Convention Center Exit. Take Seventh Ave. Turn right onto William Penn Way. William Penn Way becomes 10th St. go straight under the Convention Center. At the corner of 10th & Ft. Duquesne Blvd., turn left onto Ft. Duquesne. Next light, turn left into the Convention Center Loading Dock Entrance.

From West/PA Turnpike
I-76 E (PA Turnpike) to Exit 28 Cranberry. Follow signs to I-79 S to I-279 S across Ft. Duquesne Bridge to Convention Center/The Strip District Exit. At 1st traffic light, turn right into the Convention Center Loading Dock Entrance.

From North
I-79 S to I-279 S across Ft. Duquesne Bridge to Convention Center/The Strip District Exit. At 1st traffic light, turn right into the Convention Center Loading Dock Entrance.

From South
I-79N to Exit 59A Pittsburgh to I-279N through Ft. Pitt Tunnel across Ft. Pitt Bridge. Take Exit 6C Ft. Duquesne Blvd. Follow sign to Convention/Strip District on 10th Street Bypass. At 1st traffic light, turn right into the Convention Center Loading Dock Entrance.

Load-in and Load-out instructions

Very Important Information!

The Dealers’ Room will be located in Halls A&B on the second level of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA.

Dealers can pick up their convention badges in Hall D, on the ground floor, with entry from 10th Street. Dealer registration opens beginning noon on Thursday.

Entry points once you have your badge include:

  • Through the West Lobby on 10th Street (same street as the Westin), on the ground floor. Go up the escalator and turn right to reach Halls A&B.

  • Across the skybridge from the 2nd floor of the Westin. There are two elevators at the end of the skybridge. Travel up one level to #3, then cross the walkway ahead of you. At the far end, take the escalator down one level and turn left.

  • Through the loading dock. This is where you should go if you have a vehicle with significant material to directly offload. The entrance to the loading dock is located on Ft. Duquesne Blvd. between 9th Street & 10th Street at the point where Ft. Duquesne Blvd. & 10th Street Bypass merge. Note that the loading dock allows drop-off of merchandise only! You cannot check into the Dealer’s Room from here.

    The loading dock will be open for merchandise drop-off from 3 PM until 9 PM on Thursday and from 8 AM until 11:45 AM on Friday.

    Please take very careful note of the rules regarding the transport of materials. This is something that Anthrocon has no control over, and is one of the things that all conventions our size must deal with.

    1. Dealers who need to bring a vehicle on into the convention center to unload may “drive on” via the loading dock can do so, regardless of vehicle or table size. Unbadged dealers and assistants may enter Halls A and B via the loading dock for unloading only, and are not permitted in any other area of the convention center under any circumstances. Once unloaded, all unbadged dealers or assistants must go to Registration via the outdoor East Lobby entrance to get their badges. Any dealer who is driving onto the floor must unload their vehicle completely and remove it from the hall as soon as possible; dealers are not allowed to keep their vehicle parked while they set up their tables/booths. Additionally, all vehicles must be removed from the hall 30 minutes before opening by order of the fire marshal.
    2. During all load-in and load-out periods, dealers may hand-carry or use a non-motorized cart to carry in their wares and materials from the concourse. Anything that is large enough to require a forklift or motorized cart will need professional moving. Please contact Anthrocon in advance for rates for these specialized services.
    3. If you have an amount of material that will require a motorized cart or an unreasonable number of trips back and forth, you should bring your wares to the Convention Center loading dock for load-in.
    4. Parking is not available inside the loading dock without prior approval. There will be an outdoor lot available for large vehicles at a reasonable daily rate; more details will be posted when they become available.
    5. Large amounts of outside food may not be brought into the Exhibit Halls, due to our agreements with the convention center. You may bring a personal meal, including beverage; a large pizza is not a personal meal, even if you are really hungry. Concession stands may be open in Hall B during the lunchtime hours (approximately 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM Friday, 11am-3pm Saturday and Sunday) as well as in Concourse B.
    6. Please do not request any special services or equipment directly from the Union members. Something as simple as asking to borrow a screwdriver may result in fees of hundreds of dollars to Anthrocon. If you have any requests, please direct them to the Dealers Room staff.
    7. If you are seeking outbound shipping, a FedEx Office is located on 960 Penn Avenue, across from the Convention Center. Please contact them for hours, and be aware they are usually closed on Sundays.
    8. Hall B is lit by both artificial and natural sunlight. There may be times when the sun will be shining directly upon your table. This is the fault of Mother Nature and beyond Anthrocon’s control; we apologize in advance if the light is too bright for a few minutes.