Anthrocon Art Show
On behalf of participating artists, Anthrocon’s Art Show exhibits and sells original artworks of a science fiction, fantasy and/or fannish nature, especially relating to anthropomorphics. It takes place on the third floor (river side) of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.
Artists offer works in various media, both flat (sketches, pen-and-ink drawings, paintings, etc.) and 3-dimensional (sculpture, masks, costumes, etc.) for display and sale. Artwork is sold by written bid, with a voice auction taking place Sunday for those pieces which receive enough written bids. We will also have a separate area for mature artwork, inaccessible to minors, with a separate voice auction Saturday night.
If you are an artist, please read the Art Show Reservations Information Packet (ASRIP), which includes the display rules and a link to the reservation form. To receive this information by postal mail, please send your full (legal) name and postal address to
There is a lot of information included, so please allow yourself a few days to go over it and prepare your reservation. Start thinking now about how many pieces you wish to show, and how much room you’ll need to display them.
Reservations timestamped or postmarked by March 31 are guaranteed space, which will be allocated equitably among all those who meet the deadline. After that if any leftover space remains, late reservations will be accepted until all available space is taken, and then requests will be placed on a waiting list in case of cancellations.
If you are interested in purchasing artwork at the Art Show, information for bidders will be available as the date of the convention approaches.
Answers to many common questions are on the Art Show Frequently Asked Questions page. Other inquiries may be sent to, phone +1 307-278-9387 (307-ARTYFUR), or by postal mail to:
Anthrocon Art Show
PO Box 6095
Syracuse, NY 13217-6095
Quick Reference
Reserve by March 31st for guaranteed space!
Reservation Fee: None!
Wall Space Size: 22” wide × 60” high (56cm wide × 152cm high)
Please note that our wall space units are smaller than those of many other cons. This is to avoid dealing with fractional spaces.
Bids to Go to Voice Auction: 10
Sales Commission: 15% (12.5% for those who paid for space in the Dealers Room)
Payment Timeline: Payments will be issued by August 31st
Quick Links to Relevant Documents
Art Show Frequently Asked Questions
Art Show Reservations Information Packet (ASRIP) and reservation form
Art Show Bidder Information Details (ASBID) [available later]