Advertising at Anthrocon
Thank you for your interest in advertising with Anthrocon for our 2024 convention! The convention takes place at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA from July 4-7, 2024. The convention caters to furries and furry fans from around the world.
If you are a convention interested in an ad swap, please email us at [email protected] BEFORE submitting via the form.
Advertising Options
We offer several different advertising options for the convention. The prices are listed below, in USD.
Our inside cover advertisements are limited, so please reach out to confirm availability before requesting.

Electronic Submissions
All advertisements must be submitted electronically. Acceptable file formats are Adobe PDF, Adobe Photoshop, TIF, or high-quality JPG. All scans must be 300 dpi or greater resolution.
Please reference the below for sizing information:
- Inside Cover: 5.5”w x 8.5”h (bleed of 0.125”)
- Full Page: 4.75”w x 8”h
- Half Page: 4.75”w x 3.75”h
- Quarter Page: 4.75”w x 1.75”h
- Digital Ad: 1866px x 577px
If your ad is too big for the file submission form, please submit a scaled down copy via the form and send the full version to [email protected].
NOTE: Digital Ads will be shown on displays throughout the convention center, for the entire weekend.
Submission and Payment Information
Your advertisement and payment must be received no later than May 1, 2024!
Once we receive your advertising request, we will invoice you. Please make sure that you have a valid email address.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].